Features and Benefits
- Small sample size requirement: consumes approximately25 µl of EDTA-preserved
whole blood per CBC measurement. - Rapid test turnaround: only 2–3 minutes to results.
- Advanced, integrated self-cleaning system for optimized performance with very minimal maintenance — expanded automatic aperture cleaning after every run.
- Simple, intuitive, and easy-to-use software interface makes the analyzer very user friendly, and requires only a short learning curve.
- Accurate results for out-of-range values: automatic calculations are provided for external
- 1:5 dilutions in cases of extremely high values or very small sample volumes.
- Simple, flexible database with large storage capacity:
- Automatically saves up to 1,000 test records.
- Data can be downloaded to a USB flash drive or a compatible data-management system.
- Quality control (QC) results (including Levy-Jennings charts) are stored in the instrument’s QC database for viewing and management.
- User reminders for replacing the reagent pack and performing simple maintenance task
- Integrated laboratory results: the HM2 canbe connected to a VetScan Chemistry Analyzer for integrated results reporting.
- Advanced user features: Multi user mode, customizable normal range, and adjustable analizing strength
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